
Helping others with inflammation, pain, brittle bones and more.

I have been there. When I see people in pain, on drugs, and suffering when I know it is within their control to change it has moved me to share my story and my knowledge. I am now 74 years young. I feel better than I did in my 40’s. My hope is that you will follow me here and make some changes in your life so you too can live a more active, pain free life as you age.

“One Simple Choice Can Make All the Difference”

~ Rena Batt

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Alkalize, Detox, Mineralize with One Product!!

WHAT IS FULVIC ACID? Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring compound created through the breakdown of organic plant matter. Fulvic acid is formed over time via biological reactions and its complex compounds cannot be replicated in a laboratory setting. In addition to fulvic compounds, fulvic acid also contains trace minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and…

Formed through the breakdown of nutrient-rich plant matter, fulvic acid contains organic substances that cannot be replicated in a lab. Fulvic acid compounds are believed to work at a foundational level to improve how our cells function, supporting gut health, immune function, energy processes and more. While root vegetables such as radishes and parsnips contain…